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Wanted: OEM front brake pad set for Gen2

Discussion in 'Wanted & Swaps' started by Janey, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Janey


    Thread Starter

    Before I hand over my £s to a random on eBay, I wanted to check if any forum members had a set they wanted to sell. I'd much rather give my monies to someone on here rather than some big company.
  2. Janey


    Thread Starter

    I've gone for instant gratification and bought the OEM pads off of eBay. At £26 a set, I couldn't say no!
  3. OEM ones for road riding are the way forwards. I’ve noticed that the sun star discs on the Daytona are pretty easy to warp/dish, have had it happen to a few sets on track. And that’s a decent price. Was going to recommend SBS pads as an option

    Sent from my iPhone using 675.cc
  4. Janey


    Thread Starter

    I was going to go for the Brembo SA pads, for no other reason than I liked the colour. Yeah, I know... But the ones on my watch list had sold out, so the OEM ones are more than adequate for my girly road riding.
  5. StMarks

    StMarks PTG

    Location: HU15 2DS
    OEM pads are more than adequate for most of us, even when pushing ourselves to our limits on trackdays. Fwiw I'm a Brembo devotee, but would be perfectly happy with the OEM option myself.
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