Yayyyyy, hello 2025. Please, year, get your shit together this time and give us all some decent riding weather before I turn 90!
Happy new year to you and all the regular (sadly diminishing) members on here. Even though it'll still be a few months before I even consider getting the bikes out, New Year is when I'm over the half way point of the winter lay off and start looking forward, as you say fingers crossed for a decent, and early, summer.
Happy New Year, and may this one be a good one for us all. Oh and the nights are now getting shorter, days longer and summer is approaching.
Happy 2025 folks.Hope everyone gets plenty of time to enjoy they’re bikes.On the road in glorious sunshine or in the garage when the weather is not as glorious.
All the best from the frozen North! Here's to keeping the forum alive and the 675 experience relevant going forward. I intend to get some miles on the STR, take her abroad and hopefully see as many of you as possible in passing. Jen hopes to reduce the bike count (5) and the spare parts mountain! . Simon
Bit late to the party! Happy New Year all! Hope you have a good one. I’ve just pretty much survived Jan, I decided to do a twenty six mile running through Jan thing for Prostate Cancer Awareness which has given me a goal and objective, now just need to try and continue it in Feb! Sent from my iPhone using ]][emoji[emoji6]][emoji6]][emoji6][emoji[emoji6]][emoji6].cc