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Discussion in 'Rants & Raves' started by peter hawkins, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. peter hawkins

    peter hawkins

    Thread Starter

    Location: Bristol
    Sorry but I had to shout some where for f___k sake a lot of people need to get a grip I know 3 doctors and they all said the same thing its a different strain of the FLU its not a F__KIN KILLER virus its only the venerable people with other health issues that are at risk,i went into aldi on Friday and some women 6 bottles and anti soap shit she said this virus is very dangerous I said are you joking its FlU at this point she got all angry and said have you been watching the news I laughed and walked a way. And relax.
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  2. VW911


    What annoys me most (apart from people upping the price of facemasks, which my boy NEEDS for asbestos removal), is muppets stockpiling anti-bacterial hand wash.
    The clue is in the name (- anti bacteria). Covid 19 is a VIRUS, not a bacteria...
  3. StephenP


    Location: Hertfordshire
    People are idiots, just can't plan for how stupid people can be.
  4. SW73


    Location: Sunderland
    It's flu....and is dangerous only to the weak.
    Alcohol based hand gels needed
    Scientists and Drs needed to dispense advice on TV....not politicians with arts degrees.
    I love the fact that in this new age of ignorance people prefer advice from clownbook to the world health organisation.
    Experts....what would they know.
  5. StMarks

    StMarks PTG

    Location: HU15 2DS
    Our species is on the brink, without a doubt.
    This is a rapidly spreading pandemic that will undoubtedly cause the elimination of our species, and possibly life on our planet entirely.
    That ^ issue which will actually be our undoing is: "terminal stupidity & blind selfishness" imho. Furthermore it's been quite well illustrated by the reactions to this* Coronavirus.

    * Incidental, the Common Cold is also a Coronavirus.!
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  6. D675hogg


    Location: Glasgow
    Wish I had shares in Andrex just now!!!
  7. GazP


    Location: Atherstone
    Went to Asda this evening and the loo roll aisle was empty! The store assistant said they had 10 pallets this morning and it had all gone by 11am!!
  8. Frequent Flyer

    Frequent Flyer

    Location: Cardiff
    Almost no loo roll in Bondi Beach either three days ago!
  9. For God sake don't tell them Xmas has come early this year otherwise it'll be like a swarm of locust has been through every supermarket
  10. MrGman


    Location: East Sussex
    I agree that it's all getting a little silly BUT we can't ignore the fact it's killing a lot of people, Italy has seen a mortality rate of around 5% thats 1 in 20 people which is far worse than the "flu" and something i think should be concerning.

    Just for the record i haven't got any additional bog roll, pasta, hand cleaner....
  11. Whilst I agree that the situation has brought out many of the worst human qualities, and some people are undoubtedly over reacting, I think the facts point to a disease far riskier than regular flu.

    The mortality rate (quoted so far as somewhere between 1-6% depending on the source) is significantly worse than flu (around 0.1%) and the R0 figure (defined as the average number of people an infected person passes the disease to) is around 2.2 compared to 1.3 for flu. So it’s also much more contagious.

    This is an account of an Italian doctor in the heart of one of the worst affected areas in Lombardy:


    I think the media have unhelpfully hyped it up worsening the panic buying and no one can know the outcome at this stage,but I think it imprudent to underestimate the potential damage physically, socially and economically. I sincerely hope all the fear turns out to be unfounded.
  12. Bigmac


    Location: Slough
    I just never know what to believe, I just got back from Israel and had about 15 people message me whilst I was there to ask if I had been quarantined with the rest of the country. Not one person looks to be doing anything out of the norm there but I could find multiple news stories contradicting my very presence.
  13. GazP


    Location: Atherstone
    I think the stats are really confusing. Whilst the numbers relative to flu indicate it’s more riskier. All those reported (at least via the media) to have died have had underlying health issues. Yet I saw a doctor discuss that this disease doesn’t seem to affect the young as much as the old and infirm and is even less of a risk to pregnant women than regular flu.

    Then Italy is on lockdown yet the UK are in containment phase and the likes of the Cheltenham festival still goes ahead.

    On the plus side I managed to get some toilet roll..... phew!
  14. peter hawkins

    peter hawkins

    Thread Starter

    Location: Bristol
    All the above are right in what you say but as far the common flu goes if look at the WHO site corona is only the ninth most dangerous virus malaria and stuff like that still kill more people around the world than corona .
  15. cpszx


    Location: Chatteris
    thats only a current snapshot in time, with the infection still expanding.

    maybe when they update it again in a few weeks it will be much higher?

    its not the number thats a concern, but the speed the number increases compared to the others

  16. SW73


    Location: Sunderland
    On the plus side, while the entirety of mainland Europe goes into shutdown and (speaking from my experience with Austria and France) immediately refunds all your money and continues to pay their seasonal staff who are now surplus to requirements, in Britain there is chaos and a begging bowl held out by multi billion pound companies who offshore their profits. I'm guessing all to be paid for by our army of zero hours slaves who've been told to sign up for universal credit having been dispensed with. This country disgusts me in some ways. The elderly won't get the treatment they need ( we have very few critical care beds compared to most countries) and the young are being abandoned by their employers.
    It's going to be grim economically. I'm not sure how much more deadly than flu it'll turn out to be in blighty but the cost is going to be huge.
    I wonder how long it'll be before the country decides the spivs, chancers and jovial hoorahs we've elected don't seem to have much of a grasp on detail or any semblance of a plan?
    I'm still laughing at the big healthcare idea to invite retired NHS staff back to fill the voids. I've not seen any numbers regarding how many have signed up but I bet these old folk in the high risk group are queuing round the block to rescue the Tories from 10 years of shithousery despite the risk to their own lives!
    And of course oven ready Brexit to resolve by June.
    Hey ho. Checking on the elderly neighbours is probably the only practical thing we can all do. That and hand washing of course!
  17. peter hawkins

    peter hawkins

    Thread Starter

    Location: Bristol
    WTF so in china there are 1.3 billion people they had 74,000 cases and they now say cases are slowing down hopefully that's so my point is the inept idiots in the so called run the country are now saying that 7.4 million people in the uk will catch it and 500,000 will die talk about creating panic and scaring people why don't they do what other countries and just tell people about the new cases not what they think by taking a stab in the dark number,we will have rioting in the streets as more people hear that and then it will start every idiot into panic buying why don't these prats get a FUCKINNNNNNNNNNNNNN grip.
  18. Had a quick look online 291,000 - 646,000 die from flu or flu related illness each year. So around 6000 have died from covid 19 in the first quarter (approx) obviously the spread will increase massively, but still a long way to go until it compares with flu deaths. Before I get jumped on this was just a quick look online, I have no way of knowing actual figures

    image.png image.png
  19. StephenP


    Location: Hertfordshire
    More people die in Africa from lack of food, clean water and all the other stuff.yet people here are panic buying loo rolls.

    Fuck knows how these people would of done when the country was on rations during the war.
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  20. treesr


    Location: Guildford
    Covid Rebellion

    Why isnt there one?

    Extinction rebellion have cancelled their protest

    Civilisation is being brought to it's knees by a flu bug and we are all letting it happen

    We were down the pub last night and will be going to coffee shops and restaurants today... I know, it's a dirty protest, but some of us just can't stay indoors and do charity shop jigsaws whilst spooning cold baked beans onto panic stricken sliced bread.

    Join us brothers.. show your contempt and face this with welcoming mucus membranes

    Support your local hostilities, cinemas, fun places.. even go to work..

    Lets get a sense of perspective

    • Funny Funny x 2
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