All they. We'd to do is have the cable bowing out not in, it's an angle thing. Must be. Originally they said they had ordered new cables and a mud guard, I'm guessing they busy and swooped the guard. That's not removed the cause, just the outcome.
i have them on my Daytona, yes. can you take a pic of the caliper and line that is wrong Steve? the only way to influence them is from the banjo, as mentioned by someone before, but i agree with you, surely they would have checked the problem and the routing when they replaced the mudguard, knowing it was a problem in the first place. i suppose i am lucky with my dealer, that i got to choose the mechanic who works on my bike, as i know he will always do things properly. had different techs assigned in the past and came back with issues, so now they always use the right one.
That's a great point....a good mechanic is worth their weight in gold, and worth taking care off with a spiff ($$$)'ll get paid back tenfold in extra attention to the job, getting bumped up ahead of the pions, etc. " that your $20 that fell on the floor?? Go ahead and pick it up...I'll be watching the TV while you swap that tyre unusually-quickly-for-a-Saturday"....../blah, blah.